Birchwood Grove CP School

Sports Crew

Welcome to the Sports Crew page. Although this year is slightly different with COVID and 'bubble' restrictions meaning our roles cannot run as they normally would, this page gives you some information about us, and what we would normally do around school.....

Birchwood Grove's Sports Crew is made up this year of Year 6 children working with the school to encourage healthy bodies and sports! We help the school with organising and reporting P.E. and sporting activities both in school and when we compete locally against other schools. We are all included as part of Sports Crew, in one way or another. We want to help children improve their fitness and boost their love of P.E. and sport. Let’s meet the team....

Events and Festivals Team


Being in this team means we plan events and challenges for different year groups within school, organise others to take on roles during events, and promote these events within school. These events may be linked to topics the classes are studying, our school values and concepts, or events taking place outside of school. We hope that this develops children's sporting skills and confidence, whilst also allowing them to have fun and be competitive.

Media Team


Our job is to let the school and community know about the different competitive sporting activities we do at Birchwood Grove, as well as to generally promote P.E. and sport around school. We take photos and display these in school to show what classes have been up to in their lessons, as well as collect information from matches and sporting events that the school take part in. We write reports using this information, either for the weekly school newsletter or for the school website. 

Clubs and Break Time Activities Team


Our job is to help the younger children get more involved in different sports and activities, and help them to have a healthier, safer, and more enjoyable play time, ensuring they are active. We promote after school clubs and activities too, and help out adults at these. We run play time games that teach children key skills and help them to grow their confidence in P.E. and sport.

Organisation and Equipment Team


Our team ensures all school equipment is well organised in both the indoor and outdoor storage areas, and we help to order new equipment. We also make sure that each bubble has all of their equipment for playtimes and lunchtimes, and replenish this when necessary. We encourage all children to make sure P.E. and sport equipment is well looked after.