Birchwood Grove CP School


Many children, at some time during their school careers, have individual needs for which they require help.  We follow the guidelines of the SEND Code of Practice and our SEN information report (policy) can be found below.

If your child has an identified Special Educational Need or Disability when they join the school, the Inclusion Manager will meet with you to discuss the provision needed to ensure your child is supported to meet their full potential.  This will lead to an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) being drawn up with the class teacher.  Usually we will agree on three outcomes which will be reviewed and updated termly (October, February and March).

Following a process of Assess-Plan-Do-Review, each class teacher monitors the progress of every child.  If we feel that your child has a difficulty, we will invite you in to discuss and agree whether an ILP is needed.  This would mean that your child's progress will also be monitored as part of our SEND register.  Support can take various forms: targeted support in the classroom or small group or 1:1 work outside the classroom.

Sometimes we feel that further advice and support should be sought from other professionals, such as the Learning Inclusion Teams, School Nurse or Speech and Language Therapy Service.  Referrals would always be made in liaison with the parents.

The Governing Body receives a termly report detailing the implementation of the school's SEN Information report (policy) and its success in meeting the needs of our children.  Should you wish to obtain more information about SEND, please make an appointment with our Inclusion Manager.


Pupils with disabilities

In keeping with the Equality Act 2010, arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities would be made in discussion with the parents and following advice from the Local Authority in order to prevent pupils with disabilities being treated less favourably than other pupils. The school building has been designed with the needs of pupils, staff and visitors specifically in mind.  The SEN information report (policy) provides more information on the facilities we provide to help disabled pupils to access the school.


Who do I contact if I want to make a complaint about special provision in the school?

There is a copy of our Complaints Policy on our website. You can ask for a paper copy at the school office.

If you do have concerns, in the first instance questions about provision for your child should be brought to your child’s teacher. They are responsible for the day-to-day teaching of your child.

If there is a specific issue or complaint which has not been resolved in speaking with the class teacher then please contact our  Assistant Headteacher/SENCo Mrs Bourne. Please call her directly through the school office or ask  for an appointment.

For any issues remaining unresolved after this please contact the Headteacher Ms White.

Birchwood Grove SEND Policy and information report 2024-25

Link to West Sussex Local Offer - Birchwood Grove CP School 

Accessibility Plan 2022