Birchwood Grove CP School


Safeguarding and online safety

The governors and staff of Birchwood Grove CP School are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and well-being of all our pupils. 

We recognise that all adults, including temporary staff, volunteers and governors, have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm, and that the child's welfare is of paramount concern.

To provide a safe, secure and caring environment in which all children flourish, we implement a wide range of measures and policies including our Safeguarding & Child Protection and Health & Safety policies.  All staff appointed to the school are subject to a DBS and qualifications check.  The headteacher, deputy headteacher and inclusion manager are trained Designated Safeguarding Leads.

The Safeguarding & Child Protection policy can be found here: 

Child Protection Policy 2023

E - safety

We believe part of our curriculum should be embedding online safety and promoting good digital citizenship throughout. We of course need to work with our community to do this effectively, here you will find weblinks and resources to support your children to stay safe online. National online safety provide a wealth of resources and advice, and as a school we use them to help us teach children about online safety.

National online safety parents guides to: 

12 social media online safety tips


Group chats 

Horror games

Fortnite 3

Whats app

Amazon Alexa

Among us

Disney +

You tube kids

You tube




14 ways to be kind online

Children with new devices


Fortnite Battle Royale

Fortnite Chapter 2


Nintendo switch

Internet controls 

Playstation 4

Playstation 5

Suggested apps and games for children


X Box one 

X Box series

The following links about safeguarding, including on how to keep your child safe online, may also be helpful: