Spring Term 2025
Please click here for the Spring Term overview.
Our concept
Key Text

Autumn Term 2024
Welcome back to school and into year 4.
We start off the year with a growth mindset key text. This year we are using Flight School by Lita Judge to support our learning and create a sequel of this book in English.
We then continue our learning about the Vikings using Loki and the bad god's guide to being good by Louie Stowell. We will use this to support our history focus this term with many exciting things to learn. We will also be looking at Arthur and the Golden Rope during reciprocol reading sessions to further our learning and develop our comprehension and reading skills.
Year 4 will also be having forest school sessions throughout this term, Robin class will be before half term and Doves is split into two halves (an email has been sent to those parents with more information.)
We are holding a 'Meet the Teacher' session on Tuesday 10th September @2:45pm. If you are unable to make the session the slides and information can be found by clicking here.
Yearly Overview
Please click here for an overview of the learning coming up over the year.
We will be setting homework each week:
- Home - MyMaths
Reading Records - brought into school on Wednesday and sent home on Friday. If completed, children will receive a raffle ticket to be entered at the end of term draw.
Homework will be set on a Friday and will be due in on Wednesday. Homework club will be on Fridays after school- contact the school office if your child would like to join. Please let us know if you are having trouble with any logins.
This year we are challenging the members of Year 4 to complete the 100 book challenge!
Help at home
Homework expectations in Year 4:
- Times Table Rockstars
- Spellingshed spelling activities
Homework is set each week on a Friday, and is due to be completed by the end of school on a Wednesday.
Birchwood Grove run a Homework club on a Friday after school. Please enquire with your child's teacher for further details.
Maths Fluency Sheets
Grammar, Spelling and punctuation
Click here to play spelling games and quizzes.
Click here for spelling and grammar games.
Please encourage your child to go onto spelling shed to practice spellings, they have been given a login, if you would like a copy of your child's login please see your child's teacher.