Birchwood Grove CP School



Year Five 

Welcome to Year 5 at Birchwood Grove! This page is a summary of learning we are doing, planning, homework and anything else useful.

Please click on the links below to access key objectives in core subjects:

Reading - Page 33

Writing - Page 36

Maths - Page 31

Science - Page 27

Autumn Term 2024

Please click here for our second half of Autumn Term planning.

Please click here for our first half of Autumn term planning.

Core Concepts

Underpinning our learning during Autumn term were our core concepts: change, cause and consequence and our focus subject was History. 

During the second half of the Autumn, we studied the Ancient Greeks, particularly looking at mythology and the remarkable similarities between that of the Greeks and that of the Romans. Our key text was Who Let The Gods Out by Maz Evans, which we enjoyed making comparisons between her version of the Greek gods and those from classical artwork and literature.

Chicken House Books - Who Let the Gods Out?

Our first half term was centred around the Ancient Maya. We explored this mysterious and fascinating civilisation through building our class timeline, designing Maya cities, investigating aspects of their daily life and evaluating secondary historical sources to discover why they seemed to vanish near the peak of their achievements.

 The Maya (Great Civilisations)

This in turn will feed into our enquiry question: Are the consequences of change worth the risk?


Growth Mindset

For the first few weeks of the year, Year 5 focused on growth mindset and exploring our school values: Respect, Resilience, Collaboration, Independence and Creativity.

Using the books of Rachel Bright as inspiration in our reading, we explored our own strengths, successes, mistakes and anecdotes to find out what makes us -- us. Our resulting learning was showcased in our very own class book, Can We Build Another Us? inspired by Shinsuke Yoshitake's book below.




Homework expectations for Year 5s are detailed below:


Reading (5x a week and respond to the homework activity on SeeSaw to receive your weekly reading raffle ticket)

Times Tables Rockstar (12 mins per week)

Spelling Shed (set lists following spelling patterns looked at in school)

MyMaths task (set weekly)

Homework will be set on a Wednesday and will be due in the following Wednesday. Homework club will be on Fridays after school - contact the school office if your child would like to join.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are having trouble with any logins. If you have any questions about homework, please contact your child's teacher.

Meet the teacher meeting Autumn 2024 


Help at home


100 Books to Read

Reader Teacher - recommended books for Year 5

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spellings

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings

Multiplication Square

Maths Fluency Sheets




Oak Academy Key Stage 2 Lessons