Birchwood Grove CP School


Clubs Overview

Please click on the link below to see the timetable of before-school/lunchtime/after-school clubs that we will be offering at Birchwood Grove this year. Please note that these will hopefully be added to throughout the year, and the timetable updated accordingly.

Please contact the school office should you have any questions regarding clubs.

Autumn Term clubs 2024



Netball is hugely popular at Birchwood Grove, and we have a proud history of success throughout the years! One of our most recent honours came in 2018, where our A Team took part in the Mid Sussex Area Tournament, finishing 3rd! They did Birchwood Grove extremely proud and exhibited great sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the tournament. The popularity is such that we often field 3 teams, in both friendly matches against local schools, and local and regional tournaments against schools from further afield. 


KS2 Netball club is run by Miss Whinder on a Tuesday after-school from 3.15pm - 4.15 p.m.

There will also be extra Netball squad sessions as and when required.


Cross Country 

Cross Country club takes place in the Autumn term every Tuesday lunchtime from 12:00 - 12:30, and is open to Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. Please come along and join in!

The boy teams has developed over the past two years - creating two teams (Athletico De Birch & Birchalona). A previous highlight during 2021/22 academic year was Birchwood Grove winning our locality then finished 3rd in the Sussex finals. This gave Birchalona the title of '3rd best primary school  football team' in the whole of Sussex. During the 2025 Mid-Sussex football tournament our 5/6 Boys (Athletico De Birch) team came 3rd in our locality.

This club is run on Tuesday after-school from 3.15pm - 4.15 p.m.

Girls football has been a growing success at Birchwood Grove with a growing number of girls taking part in this club. During the 2025 Mid-Sussex football tournament our 5/6 Girls team came 2ndin our locality. Which allowed our girls to head into the the Sussex final - where our girls came 4th - which gave The Birchwood Lionesses the title of '4th best primary school  football team' in the whole of Sussex.

This club is run by Mr Pons every Thursday after-school from 3.15pm - 4.15 p.m.

At Birchwood Grove, we are extremely lucky to have Calum Brewer lead our chess club every Wednesday. Callum has been involved in chess at county and national level: having previously been part of the National Junior Squad. So all our chess players are in great hands whilst preparing for upcoming tournaments.



Football has a long-running legacy at Birchwood Grove and we open up football training and coaching to all boys and girls from years three to six, giving the children having an opportunity to play in matches, tournaments and festivals. As well as training, the school plays matches against other local schools and takes part in the Mid-Sussex football tournaments.

We also have football for KS1 run by Tiny Tekkers.

 Boys football (Athletico De Birch & Birchalona)

The boy teams has developed over the past two years - creating two teams (Athletico De Birch & Birchalona). A previous highlight during 2021/22 academic year was Birchwood Grove winning our locality then finished 3rd in the Sussex finals. This gave Birchalona the title of '3rd best primary school  football team' in the whole of Sussex. During the 2025 Mid-Sussex football tournament our 5/6 Boys (Athletico De Birch) team came 3rd in our locality.

This club is run on Tuesday after-school from 3.15pm - 4.15 p.m.


Cricket has a strong tradition at Birchwood Grove with boys' and girls' teams from years three to six. Both teams participate in Kwikcricket area tournaments and play matches against other local schools.


Athletics club runs in the summer term and is available for all pupils from years three to six.  Children develop their fitness and skills in a variety of athletic disciplines including sprinting, hurdling, long and high jumps and different throwing events.  Pupils who are selected to represent the school have the opportunity to compete against other schools in the district. 


Basketball club is open to boys and girls from years three to six. As well as training, the school team plays matches against other local schools and takes part in the Mid-Sussex basketball tournaments and festivals.

Tag Rugby

Tag rugby is open to our year five and six pupils in the second half of the Spring term. The club introduces children to the skills and rules of tag rugby, culminating in a mixed tournament.

Relax Kids

Externally run school club run by Lorraine. On Tuesdays 3.15-4.15pm. Year R-Year 4

Tiny Tekkers

Externally run school club. On Thursdays 3.15-4.15pm. Year R-Year 2.